It is no secret that we have all unwillingly chartered unknown territory with the spread of the coronavirus. This year was meant to be the year of great opportunity for many of us as we were adamant that the year 2019 hadn’t been too favourable to us. Personally, the start of my 2020 was stained by the sudden death of someone I knew socially. The circumstances surrounding her untimely death hit closest to home because she really was no different than I was. Not to start this journal with a morbid introduction, but I was determined to make the best of this year considering I had the gift of life and was given a day more than she had to chase after my dreams and become obsessed with my passions.
We were determined for Style X Events to reach amazing heights with all the ideas and amazing clients we were going to work with but then something unprecedented happened, something my parents or their parents hadn’t seen, “a global health pandemic” that did not care about your economic status, creed, gender or lifestyle. As a global community, 2020 has become a year that is going to be etched in our memories forever and shape how we interact in some fashion going forward. With the onset of the coronavirus, we have been forced to sit down, stay indoors and keep our distance when outdoors. While most of us have the luxury of working from home, our heroes make their way outside each day, leaving their families behind to serve strangers to allow the rest of the world to function.
It is amazing for the rest of the world to see just how much the most valuable people are financially undervalued and undermined. Pre coronavirus, I have always wondered why the most essential workers were the least paid and yet we throw our currencies at occupations that don’t necessarily count as essential. My economics background allowed me to see the principle of demand and supply at play resulting in such disparities. It still didn’t feel right then and even now more than ever, it feels debilitating to think that these same amazing people are still undervalued regardless of the economics behind it all.
At Style X Events, we wish we could do so much more to help these heroes other than staying indoors to stop the spread of the virus. We want to do something tangible for our heroes and it saddens me to think that at this time, we want to contribute just $50 to a frontline worker whose sacrifice has no price because there is no amount of money that can compensate for their selfless efforts. The idea of a gift basket or offering free services from Style X Events seemed reasonable at first. However, with social distancing in effect and not knowing exactly when this virus will be a thing of the past, we decided a monetary gift might be more useful as people have specific needs during such trying times.
As I type this, I am realizing that sometimes, $50 is the difference between buying a needed coffee maker to enjoy the little pleasures of life or buying that book to allow you to develop meaningful habits and practices, so we will go ahead and boldly contribute this amount as part of our first giveaway as we plan to do so much more. As a really small business, sitting on our hands waiting for money to fall in our lap is a huge disservice to the community, so with the little that we have, we want to share it with you. We also recognize that starting now and small will allow us to develop the habit of helping others in our community as we grow.
Hopefully, our efforts show that you can also contribute to someone else’s life no matter how small. I implore you all to START NOW AND START SMALL so we can allow our heroes who don’t wear capes or any sophisticated protective garments to have a little reason to smile each day.
Let’s make a change in someone’s life together! For our very first giveaway, the rules are really simple and this is how you can help:
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Tag an essential/frontline worker in your life that is deserving of a reason to smile (you can also tag yourself if you are an essential worker)
Let us know what field they work in so everyone can recognize their hard work and send positive vibes their way [Optional]
Giveaway closes on May 8th
Style X Events team
Loved this! Looking forward to more posts